Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fun in the sun has my garden Popping!

Spending a lot of time in the heat out tending my garden the past few weeks.  My Trash Bag Potatoes have flowers on them and the bags are filled. I am planning to dig up some New Potatoes this week. So amazing to see how easy this was to get started, and how very little work has been required to grow these. (Pictures to come)

One goal I had this year was to try to get out daily. Something I have not been able to do in years past. I was committed to see how weed control would help (or not help) with plant health and growth. I cannot believe how the Tomatoes that were just tiny things, and peppers have tripled in size and some have flower buds on them already. I really do think weed control has been helping. The hoe and rake have been good friends. The real key though has been to keep them from getting out of control.

Our Strawberries have finally been transplanted into their permanent home. They are looking a little rough! In all honestly I didn't think we would be able to keep them anyway, so I am thankful we have had some sweet berries this year. I can't explain why a bowl of small sweet strawberries from my own garden is just a measure better than picking-my -own but it is!

Made some homemade dishwasher detergent today, cant wait to post a review next week if I like it. I am on my 4th attempt in my search for a good recipe! Fingers crossed for a good review.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Laundry Soap

I was talking to a friend the other day who I gave some of my laundry soap, she had run out and went back to her commercially prepared detergent and disliked it so much, she wanted to make some of what I use. I cannot imagine going back to anything else. Instead of a written how-to I thought I would put up a pictorial post. I highly recommend The Duggar Recipe.  One thing to note, have ten (yes 10!) gallon jugs ready before making this recipe.

 Feel free to ask any other questions you may have! :)

Simple to Make ~ So good on your clothes ~ Wonderful for your pocket book!

Grate one bar of soap

Melt on stove top in 3 cups of water

Pour melted soap into 2.5 gallons of water

Add Borax and Washing Soda

Add another 2.5 gallons, stir well, and let sit overnight  


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Scrapbooking Memories

There is something about making pretty pages to put my pictures on that brings so much joy. I love having time to look at them, and enjoy the memories while I create a layout for them.

I like to think of myself as a lumpy bumpy scrapper, the more embellishment the better. I haven't devoted as much time to scrapbooking lately. I have been busy caring for my little babes. However in the past month or so, I have been itching to make time. I decided to squeeze a few pages in while on Vacation to California as a gift to my Mother In Law. Then a week later I spent some time with my sister and created a fun Easter Layout from this years Egg Hunt.

What I have realized in these early years with young children and little sleep. Pictures are worth a thousand words and they stir memories that are fuzzy from mommy brain. I treasure my priceless pictures. The craftiness is fun and relaxing. Something I am going to make a habit of doing more.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sunshine In A Jar

Fresh Dill Canned Carrots are my latest creation.
It seems like I am keeping my sanity by standing at the stove. I have been wanting to be creative and honestly somedays the only time I get is while making dinner. So I am putting this here mostly so I don't forget that I made them in the first place. Haha.

 It makes me feel good when I am creative. I have had a stress filled week with children who are not feeling well, and lots of other things. Some times I choose other creative outlets (and sometimes I choose brownies!) but if all I have is a few moments during dinner I am going for it.

Matt asked me last night why I had canned carrots instead of other things that are hard to come by out of season. I couldn't at that time explain it was more in the creative flavoring and pretty optics of the jar. I had been thinking all week about how I could jar up some sunshine, and this what I came up with.

I chopped 2 pounds of carrots into small sticks, then put a clove of crushed garlic, and 2 heads of fresh dill into a Ball jar. I packed the carrots in there tightly. I then poured a boiling brine over top, leaving 1/2 inch head space. I canned them for 17 minutes in a water bath canner.

For the brine I boiled: 1/2 cup sugar, 1 cup white vinegar, 1 cup cider vinegar, 2 cups water.

Sanity saved!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Making My House A Home

As a wife and mother my priorities surround making my house a home for my husband and children.

When we bought our first (and current) home I was so excited. I knew it was built in the 1950's and thought surely it would have all sorts of flowers and herbs on the property just waiting for a loving touch. That was such a naive notion! Ha!! There was not a single bulb, bush or flower anywhere. It turns out the home was built by a gentlemen who lived there with his two sons. Apparently he did not have much time to garden.

Our new property was a completely beautiful blank slate. 

We didn't do much the first year as we moved in mid summer but the second year we added a vegetable garden, and some bushes to the front flower beds.

The following year I began my circle garden  with a Butterfly bush (a lovely gift from my cousin) knowing I planned to add to it when I could.
Our first year garden

Last summer my husband bought me fruit trees and Daffodil bulbs. What a joy they were this Spring!

Slowly our property is becoming home outside too. This summer I am planning to put much effort into a few other gardens around our home.  I have been working hard preparing our expanded vegetable garden but I am so ready to start making things pretty too! Last night as I was weeding a large section of my vegetable garden I prioritize my projects for the next few months.

My top three are:
1. I am planning to expand my circle garden. This may be an indefinite ongoing project.

2. My friend Stephanie has kindly offered me some transplants to get my herb garden started. I think I will put it in a semi-shaded area at the corner of my vegetable garden.

3. A small Marian Garden as a place where I can go for a few quite moments for reflection and prayer. I just saw a really wonderful post over at Catholic Icing about this today that was perfect timing and good inspiration.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Frugal Friday: Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle!

While reading Jonni McCoy's book Miserly Moms, she challenges the reader to think like our grandparents who walked though difficult time during the great depression and find uses for things we normally would throw out.

That got me to thinking about another dilemma I had been thinking about for a while. I want to make my laundry space a little more tidy. While I love my home-made Laundry soap it also takes up a lot of space, and is kinda messy to clean up when spilled. I have been planning to switch to the powdered soap when my latest batch runs out.

Well, it came to me! My youngest son is on Similac Organic formula, and their containers are so nice. Not only food grade but have a nice rubber seal on the inside to keep from any leaks. Plus a built in scoop that is exactly a table spoon. Score for me! I found a use for my containers I thought I would be recycling.These sturdy little containers also stack nicely any where you want them too.

1 scoop for regular loads, and 2 scoops for heavily soiled, and it pops right back into its home, nice and neatly.

You can do this too, even if you have no children on formula, ask your friends to save them for you.
Reduce, Re-use, Recycle!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Putting Up

I had a polished picture of my jars taken until my sweet boy popped into the last picture. Couldn't resist using it instead.

The season of putting up has officially begun. I canned my first fruits of the season this morning. I have been itching to get started filling my cabinets for the rest of the year. With Strawberry season right around the corner to be followed by all the other delicious fruits and vegetables to come. I took advantage of Rhubarb being ready to pick.

I was so excited. There were so many delicious sounding recipes out there, it took me a while to decide. Eventually this recipe for Rhubarb~Grapefruit Preserves won. I was not disappointed either! I kept some to eat now (because it is irresistible), giving some to a neighbor and keeping some for next winter. I never thought to pair these two fruits but WOW is the only way to describe this preserve. 

It only took a few minutes while the children were eating their breakfast to complete. I chopped everything in 10 minutes to let it sit over night before bed last night. I am looking forward to trying other recipes this summer that will delight the family's palette when the blahs of winter return.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Capturing Spring

We spent some time in lovely California this month. Not only was everything there in perfect bloom. My Mother-in-law’s gardens are always so beautiful! But we enjoyed some camping at the beach. It was Luke’s first trip, what fun everyone had. Andrew took off on his bike.

It seemed like there was something for everyone. The beach, time with family, Matt and I went to a taping of the Connan O’Brian show, some crafty fun for me. A lovely week. Then we returned home to find everything here had just popped into full bloom!

My potatoes growing leaps and bounds, all the trees flowering.  My peach trees we planted last fall had so many baby peaches I had to thin them. I love spring time! We have spent several days since returning in our garden. I am so thankful this year a neighborhood farmer came and plowed for me. He extended my garden so we now have double the space! It took him 20 minutes to do what it could have taken me hours to do.

Needless to say we are almost finished planting the first round of vegetables, and I am watching my fruit trees carefully. I have a lot of learning to do in that area.

My first batch of soap is also ready for use. It is deep personal satisfaction when coming in with garden free hands to use my very own Cinnamon Citrus Soap. I have enjoyed sharing some with friends and even used the shavings to make liquid dish soap. It is a wonderful week here in our little home. My thoughts are already turning to pickled green beans and Rhubarb Chutney that is begging to be canned in the refrigerator. That is a whole other post for the future.

Have I mentioned I love Spring?!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Energized and Inspired

There is something about getting out of my normal element that makes me long for home and renews my energy to work on my list of domestic "want-to-do-list" rather than just a "to-do list" I look to the things that I know will keep home a healthy and interesting place. This week I spent time in nature, with people who motivate me to be a better homekeeper and with time to read inspiring materials that give me more projects for my list. When I pull out that list while on hometime hiatus I also have a chance to review the priorities and refresh my list.

So I look forward to making two new batches of soap, try out some delicious new recipes, and move forward with a few home and garden projects. I hope to share them as I go.

What I realize most is the re-affirmation of my most important calling to make my house a warm, loving, effcient and FUN home! Can't wait to get going on my "Want-to-do-list"!

What is on you "Want to do list"?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a reminder of just how blessed I am as a daughter to have a godly loving Mother who taught me to love Christ and others. She would (and does) gladly give all she has to others. She is at the very core a Proverbs 31 woman who I aspire to be like. Her calling in life is truly Motherhood.

I also have a Mother-in-law who from the day our families joined eachother (10 years ago! Holy moly) has treated me as her own daughter. We quickly found common loves of crafts, gardening and other things. Even from far away she has always been there when I (our family) needed her. She also raised my husband to be the wonderful man he is today. She is also a loving person who tirelessly works to promote social justice and for others in need. I am blessed to have 2 mothers in my life that I love and respect!

Mother's Day also reminds me of the miracles in my life as 5 years ago it was fairly certain I was unable to have children. This morning my two baby boy were gleefully up at 6:00AM with smiles and hugs! These children have taught me so much, but above all else I have learned what true unconditional love is. I have learned sleep is over-rated haha! I love being a mother and now more than ever appreciate the love, kindness, sacrifices my mothers have made for me. I hope to be half of what these ladies are some.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

One of my favorite poems

Luke's second day of life

Mother, O Mother, come shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing, make up the bed,
Sew on a button and butter the bread.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She's up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I've grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue,
Lullabye, rockabye, lullabye loo.
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo
The shopping's not done and there's nothing for stew
And out in the yard there's a hullabaloo
But I'm playing Kanga and this is my RooLook!
Aren't his eyes the most wonderful hue?
Lullabye, rockaby lullabye loo.
The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
But children grow up as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.- Ruth Hulbert Hamilton